mjpeg_qsv encoder AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        E..V...... Maximum processing parallelism (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

mpeg2_qsv encoder AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        E..V...... Maximum processing parallelism (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

  -avbr_accuracy     <int>        E..V...... Accuracy of the AVBR ratecontrol (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)

  -avbr_convergence  <int>        E..V...... Convergence of the AVBR ratecontrol (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)

  -preset            <int>        E..V...... (from 1 to 7) (default medium)

     veryfast        7            E..V......

     faster          6            E..V......

     fast            5            E..V......

     medium          4            E..V......

     slow            3            E..V......

     slower          2            E..V......

     veryslow        1            E..V......

  -rdo               <int>        E..V...... Enable rate distortion optimization (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -max_frame_size    <int>        E..V...... Maximum encoded frame size in bytes (from -1 to 65535) (default -1)

  -max_slice_size    <int>        E..V...... Maximum encoded slice size in bytes (from -1 to 65535) (default -1)

  -bitrate_limit     <int>        E..V...... Toggle bitrate limitations (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -mbbrc             <int>        E..V...... MB level bitrate control (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -extbrc            <int>        E..V...... Extended bitrate control (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -adaptive_i        <int>        E..V...... Adaptive I-frame placement (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -adaptive_b        <int>        E..V...... Adaptive B-frame placement (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -b_strategy        <int>        E..V...... Strategy to choose between I/P/B-frames (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -forced_idr        <boolean>    E..V...... Forcing I frames as IDR frames (default false)

  -low_power         <boolean>    E..V...... enable low power mode(experimental: many limitations by mfx version, BRC modes, etc.) (default false)

  -profile           <int>        E..V...... (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default unknown)

     unknown         0            E..V......

     simple          80           E..V......

     main            64           E..V......

     high            16           E..V......

vp9_qsv encoder AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        E..V...... Maximum processing parallelism (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

  -avbr_accuracy     <int>        E..V...... Accuracy of the AVBR ratecontrol (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)

  -avbr_convergence  <int>        E..V...... Convergence of the AVBR ratecontrol (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)

  -preset            <int>        E..V...... (from 1 to 7) (default medium)

     veryfast        7            E..V......

     faster          6            E..V......

     fast            5            E..V......

     medium          4            E..V......

     slow            3            E..V......

     slower          2            E..V......

     veryslow        1            E..V......

  -rdo               <int>        E..V...... Enable rate distortion optimization (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -max_frame_size    <int>        E..V...... Maximum encoded frame size in bytes (from -1 to 65535) (default -1)

  -max_slice_size    <int>        E..V...... Maximum encoded slice size in bytes (from -1 to 65535) (default -1)

  -bitrate_limit     <int>        E..V...... Toggle bitrate limitations (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -mbbrc             <int>        E..V...... MB level bitrate control (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -extbrc            <int>        E..V...... Extended bitrate control (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -adaptive_i        <int>        E..V...... Adaptive I-frame placement (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -adaptive_b        <int>        E..V...... Adaptive B-frame placement (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -b_strategy        <int>        E..V...... Strategy to choose between I/P/B-frames (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -forced_idr        <boolean>    E..V...... Forcing I frames as IDR frames (default false)

  -low_power         <boolean>    E..V...... enable low power mode(experimental: many limitations by mfx version, BRC modes, etc.) (default false)

  -profile           <int>        E..V...... (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default unknown)

     unknown         0            E..V......

     profile0        1            E..V......

     profile1        2            E..V......

     profile2        3            E..V......

     profile3        4            E..V......

EXR AVOptions:

  -layer             <string>     .D.V...... Set the decoding layer (default "")

  -gamma             <float>      .D.V...... Set the float gamma value when decoding (from 0.001 to FLT_MAX) (default 1)

  -apply_trc         <int>        .D.V...... color transfer characteristics to apply to EXR linear input (from 1 to 18) (default gamma)

     bt709           1            .D.V...... BT.709

     gamma           2            .D.V...... gamma

     gamma22         4            .D.V...... BT.470 M

     gamma28         5            .D.V...... BT.470 BG

     smpte170m       6            .D.V...... SMPTE 170 M

     smpte240m       7            .D.V...... SMPTE 240 M

     linear          8            .D.V...... Linear

     log             9            .D.V...... Log

     log_sqrt        10           .D.V...... Log square root

     iec61966_2_4    11           .D.V...... IEC 61966-2-4

     bt1361          12           .D.V...... BT.1361

     iec61966_2_1    13           .D.V...... IEC 61966-2-1

     bt2020_10bit    14           .D.V...... BT.2020 - 10 bit

     bt2020_12bit    15           .D.V...... BT.2020 - 12 bit

     smpte2084       16           .D.V...... SMPTE ST 2084

     smpte428_1      17           .D.V...... SMPTE ST 428-1

FIC decoder AVOptions:

  -skip_cursor       <boolean>    .D.V...... skip the cursor (default false)

FITS decoder AVOptions:

  -blank_value       <int>        .D.V...... value that is used to replace BLANK pixels in data array (from 0 to 65535) (default 0)

frwu Decoder AVOptions:

  -change_field_order <boolean>    .D.V...... Change field order (default false)

gif decoder AVOptions:

  -trans_color       <int>        .D.V...... color value (ARGB) that is used instead of transparent color (from 0 to UINT32_MAX) (default 16777215)

H264 Decoder AVOptions:

  -enable_er         <boolean>    .D.V...... Enable error resilience on damaged frames (unsafe) (default auto)

  -x264_build        <int>        .D.V...... Assume this x264 version if no x264 version found in any SEI (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)

h264_qsv AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        .D.V...... Internal parallelization depth, the higher the value the higher the latency. (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

  -gpu_copy          <int>        .D.V...... A GPU-accelerated copy between video and system memory (from 0 to 2) (default default)

     default         0            .D.V......

     on              1            .D.V......

     off             2            .D.V......

HEVC decoder AVOptions:

  -apply_defdispwin  <boolean>    .D.V...... Apply default display window from VUI (default false)

  -strict-displaywin <boolean>    .D.V...... stricly apply default display window size (default false)

hevc_qsv AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        .D.V...... Internal parallelization depth, the higher the value the higher the latency. (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

  -load_plugin       <int>        .D.V...... A user plugin to load in an internal session (from 0 to 2) (default hevc_hw)

     none            0            .D.V......

     hevc_sw         1            .D.V......

     hevc_hw         2            .D.V......

  -load_plugins      <string>     .D.V...... A :-separate list of hexadecimal plugin UIDs to load in an internal session (default "")

  -gpu_copy          <int>        .D.V...... A GPU-accelerated copy between video and system memory (from 0 to 2) (default default)

     default         0            .D.V......

     on              1            .D.V......

     off             2            .D.V......

jpeg2000 AVOptions:

  -lowres            <int>        .D.V...... Lower the decoding resolution by a power of two (from 0 to 33) (default 0)

MJPEG decoder AVOptions:

  -extern_huff       <boolean>    .D.V...... Use external huffman table. (default false)

MPEG4 Video Decoder AVOptions:

mpeg2_qsv AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        .D.V...... Internal parallelization depth, the higher the value the higher the latency. (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

  -gpu_copy          <int>        .D.V...... A GPU-accelerated copy between video and system memory (from 0 to 2) (default default)

     default         0            .D.V......

     on              1            .D.V......

     off             2            .D.V......

rasc decoder AVOptions:

  -skip_cursor       <boolean>    .D.V...... skip the cursor (default false)

rawdec AVOptions:

  -top               <boolean>    .D.V...... top field first (default auto)

SMPTE 302M Decoder AVOptions:

  -non_pcm_mode      <int>        .D..A..... Chooses what to do with NON-PCM (from 0 to 3) (default decode_drop)

     copy            0            .D..A..... Pass NON-PCM through unchanged

     drop            1            .D..A..... Drop NON-PCM

     decode_copy     2            .D..A..... Decode if possible else passthrough

     decode_drop     3            .D..A..... Decode if possible else drop

TIFF decoder AVOptions:

  -subimage          <boolean>    .D.V...... decode subimage instead if available (default false)

  -thumbnail         <boolean>    .D.V...... decode embedded thumbnail subimage instead if available (default false)

  -page              <int>        .D.V...... page number of multi-page image to decode (starting from 1) (from 0 to 65535) (default 0)

V210 Decoder AVOptions:

  -custom_stride     <int>        .D.V...... Custom V210 stride (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)

vc1_qsv AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        .D.V...... Internal parallelization depth, the higher the value the higher the latency. (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

  -gpu_copy          <int>        .D.V...... A GPU-accelerated copy between video and system memory (from 0 to 2) (default default)

     default         0            .D.V......

     on              1            .D.V......

     off             2            .D.V......

AAC decoder AVOptions:

  -dual_mono_mode    <int>        .D..A..... Select the channel to decode for dual mono (from -1 to 2) (default auto)

     auto            -1           .D..A..... autoselection

     main            1            .D..A..... Select Main/Left channel

     sub             2            .D..A..... Select Sub/Right channel

     both            0            .D..A..... Select both channels

AC3 decoder AVOptions:

  -cons_noisegen     <boolean>    .D..A..... enable consistent noise generation (default false)

  -drc_scale         <float>      .D..A..... percentage of dynamic range compression to apply (from 0 to 6) (default 1)

  -heavy_compr       <boolean>    .D..A..... enable heavy dynamic range compression (default false)

  -target_level      <int>        .D..A..... target level in -dBFS (0 not applied) (from -31 to 0) (default 0)

Fixed-Point AC-3 Decoder AVOptions:

  -cons_noisegen     <boolean>    .D..A..... enable consistent noise generation (default false)

  -drc_scale         <float>      .D..A..... percentage of dynamic range compression to apply (from 0 to 6) (default 1)

  -heavy_compr       <boolean>    .D..A..... enable heavy dynamic range compression (default false)

alac AVOptions:

  -extra_bits_bug    <boolean>    .D..A..... Force non-standard decoding process (default false)

APE decoder AVOptions:

  -max_samples       <int>        .D..A..... maximum number of samples decoded per call (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4608)

     all             2147483647   .D..A..... no maximum. decode all samples for each packet at once

DCA decoder AVOptions:

  -core_only         <boolean>    .D..A..... Decode core only without extensions (default false)

E-AC3 decoder AVOptions:

  -cons_noisegen     <boolean>    .D..A..... enable consistent noise generation (default false)

  -drc_scale         <float>      .D..A..... percentage of dynamic range compression to apply (from 0 to 6) (default 1)

  -heavy_compr       <boolean>    .D..A..... enable heavy dynamic range compression (default false)

  -target_level      <int>        .D..A..... target level in -dBFS (0 not applied) (from -31 to 0) (default 0)

evrc AVOptions:

  -postfilter        <boolean>    .D..A..... enable postfilter (default true)

FLAC decoder AVOptions:

  -use_buggy_lpc     <boolean>    .D..A..... emulate old buggy lavc behavior (default false)

G.723.1 decoder AVOptions:

  -postfilter        <boolean>    .D..A..... enable postfilter (default true)

Opus Decoder AVOptions:

  -apply_phase_inv   <boolean>    .D..A..... Apply intensity stereo phase inversion (default true)

TTA Decoder AVOptions:

  -password          <string>     .D..A..... Set decoding password

g722 decoder AVOptions:

  -bits_per_codeword <int>        .D..A..... Bits per G722 codeword (from 6 to 8) (default 8)

Closed caption Decoder AVOptions:

  -real_time         <boolean>    .D...S.... emit subtitle events as they are decoded for real-time display (default false)

  -data_field        <int>        .D...S.... select data field (from -1 to 1) (default auto)

     auto            -1           .D...S.... pick first one that appears

     first           0            .D...S....

     second          1            .D...S....

DVB Sub Decoder AVOptions:

  -compute_edt       <boolean>    .D...S.... compute end of time using pts or timeout (default false)

  -compute_clut      <boolean>    .D...S.... compute clut when not available(-1) or always(1) or never(0) (default auto)

  -dvb_substream     <int>        .D...S....  (from -1 to 63) (default -1)

dvdsubdec AVOptions:

  -palette           <string>     .D...S.... set the global palette

  -ifo_palette       <string>     .D...S.... obtain the global palette from .IFO file

  -forced_subs_only  <boolean>    .D...S.... Only show forced subtitles (default false)

MOV text decoder AVOptions:

  -width             <int>        .D...S.... Frame width, usually video width (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)

  -height            <int>        .D...S.... Frame height, usually video height (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)

PGS subtitle decoder AVOptions:

  -forced_subs_only  <boolean>    .D...S.... Only show forced subtitles (default false)

pjs decoder AVOptions:

  -keep_ass_markup   <boolean>    .D...S.... Set if ASS tags must be escaped (default false)

stl decoder AVOptions:

  -keep_ass_markup   <boolean>    .D...S.... Set if ASS tags must be escaped (default false)

subviewer1 decoder AVOptions:

  -keep_ass_markup   <boolean>    .D...S.... Set if ASS tags must be escaped (default false)

text decoder AVOptions:

  -keep_ass_markup   <boolean>    .D...S.... Set if ASS tags must be escaped (default false)

vplayer decoder AVOptions:

  -keep_ass_markup   <boolean>    .D...S.... Set if ASS tags must be escaped (default false)

libdav1d decoder AVOptions:

  -tilethreads       <int>        .D.V...... Tile threads (from 0 to 64) (default 0)

  -framethreads      <int>        .D.V...... Frame threads (from 0 to 256) (default 0)

  -filmgrain         <boolean>    .D.V...... Apply Film Grain (default auto)

  -oppoint           <int>        .D.V...... Select an operating point of the scalable bitstream (from -1 to 31) (default -1)

  -alllayers         <boolean>    .D.V...... Output all spatial layers (default false)

libopenjpeg AVOptions:

  -lowqual           <int>        .D.V...... Limit the number of layers used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)

libopusdec AVOptions:

  -apply_phase_inv   <boolean>    .D..A..... Apply intensity stereo phase inversion (default true)

h264_cuvid AVOptions:

  -deint             <int>        .D.V...... Set deinterlacing mode (from 0 to 2) (default weave)

     weave           0            .D.V...... Weave deinterlacing (do nothing)

     bob             1            .D.V...... Bob deinterlacing

     adaptive        2            .D.V...... Adaptive deinterlacing

  -gpu               <string>     .D.V...... GPU to be used for decoding

  -surfaces          <int>        .D.V...... Maximum surfaces to be used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 25)

  -drop_second_field <boolean>    .D.V...... Drop second field when deinterlacing (default false)

  -crop              <string>     .D.V...... Crop (top)x(bottom)x(left)x(right)

  -resize            <string>     .D.V...... Resize (width)x(height)

hevc_cuvid AVOptions:

  -deint             <int>        .D.V...... Set deinterlacing mode (from 0 to 2) (default weave)

     weave           0            .D.V...... Weave deinterlacing (do nothing)

     bob             1            .D.V...... Bob deinterlacing

     adaptive        2            .D.V...... Adaptive deinterlacing

  -gpu               <string>     .D.V...... GPU to be used for decoding

  -surfaces          <int>        .D.V...... Maximum surfaces to be used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 25)

  -drop_second_field <boolean>    .D.V...... Drop second field when deinterlacing (default false)

  -crop              <string>     .D.V...... Crop (top)x(bottom)x(left)x(right)

  -resize            <string>     .D.V...... Resize (width)x(height)

mjpeg_cuvid AVOptions:

  -deint             <int>        .D.V...... Set deinterlacing mode (from 0 to 2) (default weave)

     weave           0            .D.V...... Weave deinterlacing (do nothing)

     bob             1            .D.V...... Bob deinterlacing

     adaptive        2            .D.V...... Adaptive deinterlacing

  -gpu               <string>     .D.V...... GPU to be used for decoding

  -surfaces          <int>        .D.V...... Maximum surfaces to be used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 25)

  -drop_second_field <boolean>    .D.V...... Drop second field when deinterlacing (default false)

  -crop              <string>     .D.V...... Crop (top)x(bottom)x(left)x(right)

  -resize            <string>     .D.V...... Resize (width)x(height)

mjpeg_qsv AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        .D.V...... Internal parallelization depth, the higher the value the higher the latency. (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

  -gpu_copy          <int>        .D.V...... A GPU-accelerated copy between video and system memory (from 0 to 2) (default default)

     default         0            .D.V......

     on              1            .D.V......

     off             2            .D.V......

mpeg1_cuvid AVOptions:

  -deint             <int>        .D.V...... Set deinterlacing mode (from 0 to 2) (default weave)

     weave           0            .D.V...... Weave deinterlacing (do nothing)

     bob             1            .D.V...... Bob deinterlacing

     adaptive        2            .D.V...... Adaptive deinterlacing

  -gpu               <string>     .D.V...... GPU to be used for decoding

  -surfaces          <int>        .D.V...... Maximum surfaces to be used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 25)

  -drop_second_field <boolean>    .D.V...... Drop second field when deinterlacing (default false)

  -crop              <string>     .D.V...... Crop (top)x(bottom)x(left)x(right)

  -resize            <string>     .D.V...... Resize (width)x(height)

mpeg2_cuvid AVOptions:

  -deint             <int>        .D.V...... Set deinterlacing mode (from 0 to 2) (default weave)

     weave           0            .D.V...... Weave deinterlacing (do nothing)

     bob             1            .D.V...... Bob deinterlacing

     adaptive        2            .D.V...... Adaptive deinterlacing

  -gpu               <string>     .D.V...... GPU to be used for decoding

  -surfaces          <int>        .D.V...... Maximum surfaces to be used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 25)

  -drop_second_field <boolean>    .D.V...... Drop second field when deinterlacing (default false)

  -crop              <string>     .D.V...... Crop (top)x(bottom)x(left)x(right)

  -resize            <string>     .D.V...... Resize (width)x(height)

mpeg4_cuvid AVOptions:

  -deint             <int>        .D.V...... Set deinterlacing mode (from 0 to 2) (default weave)

     weave           0            .D.V...... Weave deinterlacing (do nothing)

     bob             1            .D.V...... Bob deinterlacing

     adaptive        2            .D.V...... Adaptive deinterlacing

  -gpu               <string>     .D.V...... GPU to be used for decoding

  -surfaces          <int>        .D.V...... Maximum surfaces to be used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 25)

  -drop_second_field <boolean>    .D.V...... Drop second field when deinterlacing (default false)

  -crop              <string>     .D.V...... Crop (top)x(bottom)x(left)x(right)

  -resize            <string>     .D.V...... Resize (width)x(height)

vc1_cuvid AVOptions:

  -deint             <int>        .D.V...... Set deinterlacing mode (from 0 to 2) (default weave)

     weave           0            .D.V...... Weave deinterlacing (do nothing)

     bob             1            .D.V...... Bob deinterlacing

     adaptive        2            .D.V...... Adaptive deinterlacing

  -gpu               <string>     .D.V...... GPU to be used for decoding

  -surfaces          <int>        .D.V...... Maximum surfaces to be used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 25)

  -drop_second_field <boolean>    .D.V...... Drop second field when deinterlacing (default false)

  -crop              <string>     .D.V...... Crop (top)x(bottom)x(left)x(right)

  -resize            <string>     .D.V...... Resize (width)x(height)

vp8_cuvid AVOptions:

  -deint             <int>        .D.V...... Set deinterlacing mode (from 0 to 2) (default weave)

     weave           0            .D.V...... Weave deinterlacing (do nothing)

     bob             1            .D.V...... Bob deinterlacing

     adaptive        2            .D.V...... Adaptive deinterlacing

  -gpu               <string>     .D.V...... GPU to be used for decoding

  -surfaces          <int>        .D.V...... Maximum surfaces to be used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 25)

  -drop_second_field <boolean>    .D.V...... Drop second field when deinterlacing (default false)

  -crop              <string>     .D.V...... Crop (top)x(bottom)x(left)x(right)

  -resize            <string>     .D.V...... Resize (width)x(height)

vp8_qsv AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        .D.V...... Internal parallelization depth, the higher the value the higher the latency. (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

  -gpu_copy          <int>        .D.V...... A GPU-accelerated copy between video and system memory (from 0 to 2) (default default)

     default         0            .D.V......

     on              1            .D.V......

     off             2            .D.V......

vp9_cuvid AVOptions:

  -deint             <int>        .D.V...... Set deinterlacing mode (from 0 to 2) (default weave)

     weave           0            .D.V...... Weave deinterlacing (do nothing)

     bob             1            .D.V...... Bob deinterlacing

     adaptive        2            .D.V...... Adaptive deinterlacing

  -gpu               <string>     .D.V...... GPU to be used for decoding

  -surfaces          <int>        .D.V...... Maximum surfaces to be used for decoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 25)

  -drop_second_field <boolean>    .D.V...... Drop second field when deinterlacing (default false)

  -crop              <string>     .D.V...... Crop (top)x(bottom)x(left)x(right)

  -resize            <string>     .D.V...... Resize (width)x(height)

vp9_qsv AVOptions:

  -async_depth       <int>        .D.V...... Internal parallelization depth, the higher the value the higher the latency. (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4)

  -gpu_copy          <int>        .D.V...... A GPU-accelerated copy between video and system memory (from 0 to 2) (default default)

     default         0            .D.V......

     on              1            .D.V......

     off             2            .D.V......

AVFormatContext AVOptions:

  -avioflags         <flags>      ED........ (default 0)

     direct                       ED........ reduce buffering

  -probesize         <int64>      .D........ set probing size (from 32 to I64_MAX) (default 5000000)

  -formatprobesize   <int>        .D........ number of bytes to probe file format (from 0 to 2.14748e+09) (default 1048576)

  -packetsize        <int>        E......... set packet size (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)

  -fflags            <flags>      ED........ (default autobsf)

     flush_packets                E......... reduce the latency by flushing out packets immediately

     ignidx                       .D........ ignore index

     genpts                       .D........ generate pts

     nofillin                     .D........ do not fill in missing values that can be exactly calculated

     noparse                      .D........ disable AVParsers, this needs nofillin too

     igndts                       .D........ ignore dts

     discardcorrupt               .D........ discard corrupted frames

     sortdts                      .D........ try to interleave outputted packets by dts

     keepside                     .D........ deprecated, does nothing

     fastseek                     .D........ fast but inaccurate seeks

     latm                         E......... deprecated, does nothing

     nobuffer                     .D........ reduce the latency introduced by optional buffering

     bitexact                     E......... do not write random/volatile data

     shortest                     E......... stop muxing with the shortest stream

     autobsf                      E......... add needed bsfs automatically

  -seek2any          <boolean>    .D........ allow seeking to non-keyframes on demuxer level when supported (default false)

  -analyzeduration   <int64>      .D........ specify how many microseconds are analyzed to probe the input (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)

  -cryptokey         <binary>     .D........ decryption key

  -indexmem          <int>        .D........ max memory used for timestamp index (per stream) (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 1048576)

  -rtbufsize         <int>        .D........ max memory used for buffering real-time frames (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 3041280)

  -fdebug            <flags>      ED........ print specific debug info (default 0)

     ts                           ED........

  -max_delay         <int>        ED........ maximum muxing or demuxing delay in microseconds (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)

  -start_time_realtime <int64>      E......... wall-clock time when stream begins (PTS==0) (from I64_MIN to I64_MAX) (default I64_MIN)

  -fpsprobesize      <int>        .D........ number of frames used to probe fps (from -1 to 2.14748e+09) (default -1)

  -audio_preload     <int>        E......... microseconds by which audio packets should be interleaved earlier (from 0 to 2.14748e+09) (default 0)

  -chunk_duration    <int>        E......... microseconds for each chunk (from 0 to 2.14748e+09) (default 0)

  -chunk_size        <int>        E......... size in bytes for each chunk (from 0 to 2.14748e+09) (default 0)

  -f_err_detect      <flags>      .D........ set error detection flags (deprecated; use err_detect, save via avconv) (default crccheck)

     crccheck                     .D........ verify embedded CRCs

     bitstream                    .D........ detect bitstream specification deviations

     buffer                       .D........ detect improper bitstream length

     explode                      .D........ abort decoding on minor error detection

     ignore_err                   .D........ ignore errors

     careful                      .D........ consider things that violate the spec, are fast to check and have not been seen in the wild as errors

     compliant                    .D........ consider all spec non compliancies as errors

     aggressive                   .D........ consider things that a sane encoder shouldn't do as an error

  -err_detect        <flags>      .D........ set error detection flags (default crccheck)

     crccheck                     .D........ verify embedded CRCs

     bitstream                    .D........ detect bitstream specification deviations

     buffer                       .D........ detect improper bitstream length

     explode                      .D........ abort decoding on minor error detection

     ignore_err                   .D........ ignore errors

     careful                      .D........ consider things that violate the spec, are fast to check and have not been seen in the wild as errors

     compliant                    .D........ consider all spec non compliancies as errors

     aggressive                   .D........ consider things that a sane encoder shouldn't do as an error

  -use_wallclock_as_timestamps <boolean>    .D........ use wallclock as timestamps (default false)

  -skip_initial_bytes <int64>      .D........ set number of bytes to skip before reading header and frames (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)

  -correct_ts_overflow <boolean>    .D........ correct single timestamp overflows (default true)

  -flush_packets     <int>        E......... enable flushing of the I/O context after each packet (from -1 to 1) (default -1)

  -metadata_header_padding <int>        E......... set number of bytes to be written as padding in a metadata header (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)

  -output_ts_offset  <duration>   E......... set output timestamp offset (default 0)

  -max_interleave_delta <int64>      E......... maximum buffering duration for interleaving (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 10000000)

  -f_strict          <int>        ED........ how strictly to follow the standards (deprecated; use strict, save via avconv) (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default normal)

     very            2            ED........ strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software

     strict          1            ED........ strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what the consequences

     normal          0            ED........

     unofficial      -1           ED........ allow unofficial extensions

     experimental    -2           ED........ allow non-standardized experimental variants

  -strict            <int>        ED........ how strictly to follow the standards (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default normal)

     very            2            ED........ strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software

     strict          1            ED........ strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what the consequences

     normal          0            ED........

     unofficial      -1           ED........ allow unofficial extensions

     experimental    -2           ED........ allow non-standardized experimental variants

  -max_ts_probe      <int>        .D........ maximum number of packets to read while waiting for the first timestamp (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 50)

  -avoid_negative_ts <int>        E......... shift timestamps so they start at 0 (from -1 to 2) (default auto)

     auto            -1           E......... enabled when required by target format

     disabled        0            E......... do not change timestamps

     make_non_negative 1            E......... shift timestamps so they are non negative

     make_zero       2            E......... shift timestamps so they start at 0

  -dump_separator    <string>     ED........ set information dump field separator (default ", ")

  -codec_whitelist   <string>     .D........ List of decoders that are allowed to be used

  -format_whitelist  <string>     .D........ List of demuxers that are allowed to be used

  -protocol_whitelist <string>     .D........ List of protocols that are allowed to be used

  -protocol_blacklist <string>     .D........ List of protocols that are not allowed to be used

  -max_streams       <int>        .D........ maximum number of streams (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 1000)

  -skip_estimate_duration_from_pts <boolean>    .D........ skip duration calculation in estimate_timings_from_pts (default false)

  -max_probe_packets <int>        .D........ Maximum number of packets to probe a codec (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 2500)

AVIOContext AVOptions:

  -protocol_whitelist <string>     .D........ List of protocols that are allowed to be used

URLContext AVOptions:

  -protocol_whitelist <string>     .D........ List of protocols that are allowed to be used

  -protocol_blacklist <string>     .D........ List of protocols that are not allowed to be used

  -rw_timeout        <int64>      ED........ Timeout for IO operations (in microseconds) (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)

Async AVOptions:

bluray AVOptions:

  -playlist          <int>        .D........  (from -1 to 99999) (default -1)

  -angle             <int>        .D........  (from 0 to 254) (default 0)

  -chapter           <int>        .D........  (from 1 to 65534) (default 1)

cache AVOptions:

  -read_ahead_limit  <int>        .D........ Amount in bytes that may be read ahead when seeking isn't supported, -1 for unlimited (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default 65536)

crypto AVOptions:

  -key               <binary>     ED........ AES encryption/decryption key

  -iv                <binary>     ED........ AES encryption/decryption initialization vector

  -decryption_key    <binary>     .D........ AES decryption key

  -decryption_iv     <binary>     .D........ AES decryption initialization vector

  -encryption_key    <binary>     E......... AES encryption key

  -encryption_iv     <binary>     E......... AES encryption initialization vector

ffrtmpcrypt AVOptions:

  -ffrtmpcrypt_tunneling <int>        .D........ Use a HTTP tunneling connection (RTMPTE). (from 0 to 1) (default 0)

ffrtmphttp AVOptions:

  -ffrtmphttp_tls    <boolean>    .D........ Use a HTTPS tunneling connection (RTMPTS). (default false)

file AVOptions:

  -truncate          <boolean>    E......... truncate existing files on write (default true)

  -blocksize         <int>        E......... set I/O operation maximum block size (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default INT_MAX)

  -follow            <int>        .D........ Follow a file as it is being written (from 0 to 1) (default 0)

  -seekable          <int>        ED........ Sets if the file is seekable (from -1 to 0) (default -1)

